Saturday, October 30, 2010

PETN: the explosive of choice

Part of the computer printer was PETN explosives cartridge tone was found to be in a package of cargo aircraft in Dubai. Image: Dubai police
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate or PETN, Semtex is an important part of the family and the chemical nitroglisren part. It's one of the explosives was stronger today and is a favorite of terrorists, because the crystal-colored hard to prove after a closed container
PETN is a relatively stable, and exploded with hot flushes, or a. slightly more than 100 grams of PETN can damage your car, experts say.

Richard Reid "shoe team, they tried the device PETN American Airlines jet returned Miami in 2001, and this summer Suicide Commando was an attempt to murder members of the Saudi royal family and PETN based bomb inside his body.

"If you can set your hands on a reliable source, would be explosive in elections," said Hans Michels, an expert in explosives, Imperial College, London.

For the PETN was found in possession of 23 years of Nigeria's Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. According to the U.S. security authorities have tried to blow up United Airlines Flight 253, as it approached the airport from Detroit Amersterdam. Abdulmutallab has been in the window and the device is mounted on the left side of his legs against the body of the airplane. The idea was certainly blow a hole in the airplane could dekonpresyon it rip.

Abdulmutallab ball with a syringe with a soft plastic container filled with 80 g PETN. Experts believe the power of electric syringe detonateur or, more likely, it was nitroglisren with the liquid in detonateur, which would make the device is very difficult to detect normal airport security measures were converted filled.

Abdulmutallab clarify the safety of Lagos and Amsterdam, then go through metal detectors and X-rays were taken of his hand luggage. If no explosion means of escape, it was certainly an error between the primary and main charge, PETN is not fully erupted.

Revealed, however, test explosion landed on an abandoned 747 Boen March, that the flight is safe, even if it bombs exploded successfully Abdulmutallab. During the investigation carried out by Dr John Wyatt, adviser to the UN explosives karleng not break level. But experts said the test showed former commander suspected of passengers in the next, he will die.

My ZomBcon experience: Don't interview the zombies

 I go to the mission and Fri afternoon ZomBcon Yes, I am covering the event But I also wanted to finally understand: what is wrong and the zombies?

You might have heard that Seattle is the unofficial capital of zombies in the world, especially because people here want to spread Fremont neighborhood paint wear mask scary coordination and implementation of a massive Michael Jackson's "Thriller." But outside, Seattle, it seems, was a mass uprising last Zombie culture, movement, perhaps comparable only to the strict vampire.

What gives?

I live in Fremont, but my experience Zombie Walk district is limited, mostly lying on grave misnomer grocery store, the thud the middle of last year, "Walk.

"URAAAAAWWRRR," he screamed as half of the Zombie Hood came to move my car stopped.

"How to write about?" I asked how I tried to update my Twitter.

He thinks it will not be very difficult to get a response to my "why" ZomBcon. After all, gathering fans of heavier-core Zombie in the region.

The first encounter with a young wearing tattered white dress and make-up outside the hotel in the Seattle Exhibition Center. He looked surprisingly realistic Zombie, and that I should look out to protect.

"Excuse me, I said." I ask you a question? "

"ARRRRAAHAAHAHA", he said, I saw his arms and rolling his eyes.

We are looking for a few seconds. Once again, I thought: "How do I write?"

ZomBcon my luck improved. I knew how to spell Zombie-talk (may not be noticed) and still found few people willing to express to the Zombie Culture.

The more I can read a separate article here. But the main thing is: I understand what is in the center of all this confusion Zombie.

Answer came to Chicago by Scott Kenemore, the man who wrote "The Art of War Zombie" and "Zen of Zombie".

Kenemore, conference speaker at the conference, said this: "In fraternity of zombies, all are welcome, if they are Zombie .."

In other words, zombies do not discuss. They just eat your brain.

Lipitor Recall Issued for 191K Bottles Due to Musty Odor

I have 000 bottles for cholesterol drug Ltd. 191 reports, Lipitor, musty smell you can store a bottle of pesticide handling pallets because I remember being introduced by Pfizer.

Lipitor, the U.S. and Canada, affecting many of the seven drugs sold in the supply of three medicines sold in Canada, please keep in mind the action FDA has published a report this week. Every bottle is packaged in a third supplier.

The drug user, after receiving reports of smells like a bottle of Lipitor, please remember that the foundation has come. At least one illness has been reported smelling the relationship between diseases and ensure that Pfizer's claim is irrelevant.

Herd, or 2,4,6 tribromoanisole undecided (drugs has been identified as a pesticide used to treat wooden pallets are often stored according to FDA, the same substance that large Johnson & Johnson drug Tylenol linked to remind, last year, including Motrin and Benadoriru, in this case, in fact, is reported to sick people. Pfizer, bottles, in fact, it was recalled in August, that performance has not been announced this week that according to the FDA.

Lipitor (atorvastatin) FDA has approved in December 1996 for use in reducing cholesterol. He inhibit FERMENTAYIN, is a member of a class of drugs known as statins work involved in the production of liver cholesterol. Lipitor is the best U.S. sales of prescription drugs to U.S. dollars more than last year, bringing 11000000000

90 count bottles and treated with Lipitor 40 191 000 Please do not forget to affect the three very common. Distributed in the United States and Canada have been sold in the remaining five. FDA number is five digits 0855020,0819020,0842020,0843020 according to the U.S. and 0.85402 million. All have been reminded a long period of January 2013.

Pfizer has said the withdrawal will lead to a lack of Lipitor.

Remember, the Ministry of Justice came soon after the introduction of Lipitor, the U.S. Pfizer litigation support, due to misunderstanding a former company executive spy doctor says that the health benefits of the drug (DOJ) is easy. Pfizer is to attack the Justice Department released a brief for several reasons, the request has been maintained that it should be rejected. The Justice Department has refused to join the lawsuit.

Has been studied in recent years to increase the side effects of Lipitor and other statins. On Mon, study, published in medical journals, lansed, who are using drugs, 9 have been diagnosed with diabetes found that the 2% cholesterol in the face of greater risk. In another study, statin 10,000, shows the effect that it has developed a fatal condition called rhabdomyolysis users. Miogurobinririsu rare disease of skeletal muscle damage and blood stream. This myoglobin, may cause severe kidney damage or death.

Statins, in 2002 and 2008 when included in the hearts of amiodarone has been used in combination drug, FDA has issued a warning about an increased risk rhabdomylosis. In 2001, statin drugs on the market for a link to rhabdomyolysis relief based on Baycol.

A Love Letter to a Camera

Dear Canon S95,
I don’t often write love letters to gadgets. But you, you’re something special.
Truth is, I’ve been searching for someone like you for years.
See, I love the huge light sensor that’s inside an SLR. It can take sharp low-light shots without the flash. It can blur the background the way professionals do.
I just don’t like how an SLR is big and heavy and obtrusive
What I’ve always wanted is a little camera with a big sensor. Is that so hard?
Apparently, yes. The problem is covering a rectangular sensor chip with a circle of light from the lens. Bigger sensor? You need a bigger camera. Those are the simple bylaws of physics.
But you, oh, cute little Canon PowerShot S95! I love that you’re a pocket camera, only 3.9 by 2.3 by 1.2 inches. I love your big, bright, three-inch screen, your built-in flash, your H.D.M.I. output for hi-def TV sets. I love that you turn on directly into Playback mode, without having to extend the lens.
I love the unique control ring around the dial, which I can quickly program to adjust whatever feature I want: focus, zoom, exposure, light sensitivity (ISO), aperture, even degree of color saturation (all the way to black-and-white)
I’ve had fun with your special modes, like the tilt-shift-lens simulator and fake fisheye.
I love the wink-driven self-timer. Yes, I set up the camera, walk into the scene, and then wink—the picture is taken two seconds later. Beats hunting around for a remote control. (Or I can ask you to wait two seconds after a new person—that would be me, joining the group—enters the frame.)
But above all, I love your enormous sensor. It’s 0.59 inches diagonally—88 percent more area than most pocket cameras’ sensors. And I love that you have an f/2.0 lens, a rarity among pocket cameras, meaning that you let in a lot more light.
And all of this means that you, little S95, can take amazing, sharp pictures in low light without the flash. Your designers have shrewdly dropped the ludicrous quest for more megapixels—you have 10 megapixels, just right—in favor of something that really matters, like better photos.
So many times I’ve used you for pictures at night, indoors, in shadow. Cathedrals, restaurants, parties. No, the results aren’t as good as an SLR’s—you still manage to blur a shot, especially in very dark situations when the subject is moving—but they’re light-years better than any other pocket camera can do. I love to show off your photo samples.
You’re even better than my last love, your predecessor, the S90. Because you’re slimmer. And now you take hi-def videos—with stereo sound. You have a high-dynamic-range mode, where you combine three tripod shots at different exposures into a single photo with a really great range of darks and lights. Your controls are refined in size and placement
Look, S95—I know you’re not perfect. Your battery takes only 200 shots on a charge, which is very low. You won’t let me use the optical zoom while I’m shooting video; in fact, you can’t refocus while shooting video, either. (Your arch-rival, the Panasonic LX5, can zoom during video. Then again, it’s porkier and requires fussing with a detached lens cap.)
And, of course, you cost twice what most pocket cams cost. You’re $400.
But you are the best pocket camera on the market. I have carried you for many weeks, in many situations, and I have been thrilled by the sharpness, color, control and photographic success rate that you give me.
Yes, Canon S95, I think you and I have a long, happy future ahead of us. Heck, you may remain state-of-the-art for several months at least!

Thousands in D.C. for Jon Stewart rally

Washington October 30 (as) - Up to 60,000 people will attend the rally "Comedy Central" in Washington on Saturday where a woman he Expects "cheap entertainment."

This event is called, "Rally to Restore saniti and / or fear, and Organizers said it was dealing with religious - teamed held two months after network commentator Glenn goats Fox called" restoring Honor the Washington Post. It will be hosted by John Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

"I am very Excited to be part of something," said josye Thompson, 30, who traveled from durham, nk, and asked for pictures with her baby, Oliver, in her arms. "It would be great."

A large stage and a half - dozen monitors 9 - foot - by -15 foot video and they were installed in the rear of the action can hear speakers and musical Performers, the report says.

In addition to Albert and Stewart, the event will feature several musical axis, including Jeff tveedi, mavis staples and Sherrill Crow.

Rally Organizers want to give a sense of reality of what some call the Radicalization of politics by the extreme right, the newspaper said.

"It's hard to go," said Suzie Albert, a 46 - year - old flight attendant (not related to "Albert Report" star) about the weight between sending up the absurditi of American politics and become a part of it. She said she Hoped the rally would "not be too political."

But mostly, Albert said the event Saturday will be "cheap entertainment."

Costumes sure to scare the pants off your neighbors in Arizona

Here are some suggestions for the Halloween costumes:

What are the scariest characters you can dress up as Halloween?

If you're planning to deceive or drawn into the Republican most of all you can dress up the area and as it were Barack Obama is Nancy Pelosi. Shall shine, "Treat caution, can tell you," Did not you buy health insurance? Rightly it is said We've already covered acts justly, as I guilty of deceit.

If the caution of a democracy to act in the field of Glen you can dress up as a goat. Shall shine, "Treat of wariness; and travelers if to say you can call it hunting for the progressive Doorbell.

You can brown in the Brown Act, and put on the shirt to conceal his condition to stand the sight of Joe Arpaio Post Older Post Home in the bars. Candy but not any you'll get a lot of the middle of the intention of.

There is no dress up as Jan Brewer, ... wit, a bell ring, the upright in the door of the Then the moments of stuttering, I do not remember these words.

There is no Terry Goddard to dress up the elect, and let us seek for their vote, for the Chocolate. Nem and many of my Snickers.

Thou shalt make his own person the receipt of your favorite pictures with blasts of them FACING size of life, the program of photo shop, and print it.

Obviously you have to take care will be allowed to send him. Or Download the index 'but to thee the radius of the mass taken away, to stand guard before ....

Rehman claims progress in covert operations

Karachi: Minister for Interior Rehman Malik said the operations had secretly driven to catch the culprits involved in the murder and there is progress, but it would be premature to disclose any information, Geo News.

He said the government against the attacks of the drone, which was counterproductive and challenge "to the country's sovereignty."

Speaking to journalists at Jinnah International Airport on arrival here on Saturday, he said that the most important legislation, including Senate and National Assembly, and such activities are hidden.

"We are strongly in favor of the war on terror, but at the same time, we want good relations of friendship with all our neighbors," he said.

Referring to the recent events in Karachi killings, the minister said that one of the killers involved in the massacre Shershah arrested and investigations are underway.

And he said that covert operations conducted to arrest the culprits involved in the murder and that the case would be premature to disclose information to the media at that stage.

He said that at the request of the merchants Shershah scrap market, which is at least 28 checkpoints set up in conjunction with staff from the police and Rangers to the safety of tenants.

Phonetic list read

Cana S95: Canon PowerShot S95, Comact & Amazing

The fall lineup of Japanese camera maker Canon is very advanced and the Canon PowerShot S95 is the best example of this. This device has amazing advanced controls and its image quality is similar to the Canon PowerShot G12. Canon has introduced four primary upgrades to the S95—720p HD video, RAW shooting, HDR (High Dynamic Range Shooting mode) and Hybrid Image Stabilization. The design or imaging system of the device is the same but it is expected that the next year's version of the Canon PowerShot S95 will come with a new design.

The Canon PowerShot S95 looks like any other compact point-and-shoot camera. It comes equipped with several camera controls and the most important controls is located smack dab in the middle of the device. It has 3.8x optical zoom and tiny rechargeable lithium ion battery pack. The display is 421,000-pixel. The S95's popup flash also makes the device compact.

Handling the Canon PowerShot S95 is quite easy due to the presence of the rear Control Dial. The camera also boasts of a Self-Timer feature, which could be set up to 30 seconds with a range of up to 10 consecutive shots. The PowerShot S95 also uses Canon's latest Hybrid Image Stabilization technique. Besides, standard scene modes, the S95 was upgraded with Canon's latest Super Vivid, Poster, HDR, and Nostalgia modes. The Lens Ring allows the users to control the focal length. It enables the users to shift the focal length in increments between 28mm (full wide angle) to 105mm (full telephoto). The Lens Ring controls the aperture also. To conclude, we can say that this camera is fairly good for advance photography.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Project Runway Finale Recap: We Have a Winner! And a Problem

Are you prepared for the most epic Project Runway recap of all time? I might not be, but I’m delivering it anyway. Without further ado, let’s climb inside our favorite polka dot print and settle in for three darling Lincoln Center collections, the judges’ remarks, and a final decision that will leave you breathless in a sexual-humiliation sort of way.

Happy finale! To celebrate, let’s begin with some of Gretchen’s nonsense: After Tim announces that “some old friends” will greet the three remaining designers at Parsons, Gretchen coos, “I have no idea what to think!” How crazy, Gretchen, because I know exactly what to think: Tim’s reacquainting you with the old designers. You have to hang out with them, I bet. Or work with them. No, wait! It’s probably the reunited cast of Evening Shade. Never mind. You’re right, the possibilities are endless.

Dammit, I was right the first time: Mondo, Gretchen, and Andy arrive at Parsons to find all the eliminated designers assembled in Crate & Barrel chaises and sitting across from Heidi and Tim. Wowwie. Let’s look around: There’s surly-cool April! Here’s crazed church-mouse Ivy! And there’s traumatized fourth-place murmurer Michael Costello. And the others, who may as well be muted holograms.

Tim cues up footage of Andy, Gretchen, and Mondo’s best and worst work of the season. Inspiring and hilarious, respectively. Afterward, Heidi has a subtle question for Gretchen. “Gretchen, is it true that you are a bitch in real life?” she ponders. “I would like to know. Because you have bitch posture.”

Gretchen squeamishly responds, “The funny answer is, ‘I’m not a bitch, I just play one on TV.’” She then adds, “And I also think ‘strong women’ tend to be called ‘bitches,’ which is unfair.”

Oh. Let’s clear up the confusion: Gretchen, you are not a “bitch.” You’re an a**hole. Don’t let anyone mix you up again.

Shockingly, cutey Valerie is given a chance to speak. “I think we made ourselves really vulnerable this season,” she says, explaining the “success” of season eight. Close: You made yourself susceptible to an editing process that made everyone seem adversarial and angry. That’s the Bunim-Murray gold standard. Plus, the cast was full of diagnosable hellcats. But I think that’s what you meant by “vulnerability,” Valerie. Holler.

The rousing reunion concludes and Tim orders the three remaining competitors to reenter the workroom and make him an un-hideous collection. “Don’t send down some Carol Hannah nonsense, you guys,” he (mentally) said. “This isn’t for laughs anymore, kids. Don’t embarrass me.”

And for the most part, they don’t.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

France threatened in alleged Bin Laden tape

A claim that Osama Bin Laden, has warned that French troops from Afghanistan, at home and do not release the tape by pressing the Muslim network Al-Jazeera on Wednesday.

"If you want to suppress us, and I think that this is the right to restrict the freedom of women wearing the burqa, for our rights to the occupying forces, those who would sell our land?" A spokesman said, referring to the French law recently restricting women cover their faces in public.

"The only way to protect and safeguard the national team to withdraw from Bush's dirty war," said the speaker, a clear reference to Afghanistan.

Tape it. Speakers are not displayed. CNN will not be passed on to the position that Osama bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda.

"For French people, I say that the formula is simple and clear: how to kill you, kill you, we want you in prison after prison, because they threaten our security, we begin to frighten you and transfer

desirable, "he said.

3750 French troops in Afghanistan under NATO's International Security Assistance Force.

The French lawmakers approved full-face veil ban in September, citing security concerns and saying that it violates the rights of women. This prohibition applies in the spring

Arizona execute man with drug supplied by British company

Arizona men's defender, and calling the company name and shame the drug was manufactured in the United Kingdom. 1989 Jeffrey Landrigan was convicted of murder and three years after the first week of the U.S. were killed by lethal injection for execution.
His sentence does not allow the U.S. agent rebuttals that have been postponed.
Sodium thiopental government lawyer, that suppliers must comply with American standards, did not mean to cause unnecessary suffering to the public stated that they do not.
Arizona Supreme Court upheld the drug was manufactured in the United Kingdom, but the law was repealed.
Tim Nelson, Chief Deputy Attorney General, said: "This is a product from a reputable place, it must be a third world country, that all kinds of wild speculation, and it's not true .."
Illinois and most respected journalists in the United States, Hospira, a temporary lack of available raw materials is one of the defendants. As a result, the execution was delayed in several countries.
UK wholesale suppliers, manufacturers must they be exported through the use of the substance, because he was not trying to do. You can also use anesthetic drugs.
But Clive Stafford Smith, love, humility, legal director, said: "Secrets of Britain's medical profession necessarily proud of the Hippocratic oath, the veil should be aware that this is not hypocrisy, if torn apart."
Injection of sodium thiopental is used in 34 States. Second drug arrest him until his heart stopped as the third substance, which the prisoner is unconscious.

Landrigan was strangled and shot execution of the death of the murder of Chester Dyer, the first three years, Arizona is the intensity code.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Liz vassey – Two and a Half Men ‘Twanging Your Magic Clanger’ preview !

Two and a Half Men is one of those shows that have managed to keep the audience hooked to the TV for a whopping eight season.  Audiences were not sure if the new season will stay up to the expectations of the previous ones, but Charlie Sheen  and the ensemble cast of ‘Two and a Half Men’  has proved everyone wrong.  Episode 5 of ‘Two and a Half Men’ was called “Immortal Mr. Billy Joel”, where Alan took on the role of Charlie as he went for a weekend getaway.  Alan even managed to bring a girl back to his home by using his Charlie personaHowever on Episode 6 we will get to see Charlie back in action once again, this episode has been named “Twanging Your Magic Clanger”. On this episode we will get to see Charlie as he sets out to date an older woman and how he copes with the situation. The age gap between him and this woman is enough to trouble Charlie. Alan takes on the role of the age-police to sort out the gap between his brother and this woman. Although the woman is smart and beautiful and just the type of girl Charlie likes to date, her age seems like insurmountable barrier to Charlie.

The guest characters for this episode are Michelle and Shauna played by Liz Vassey and Krista Kalmus. The standard cast of Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones will also be present on this episode.

Two and a Half Men Season 8 Episode 6 Latest Telecast On CBS TV

Two and a Half Men Season 8 Episode 6 entitled as “Twanging Your Magic Clanger”. Live telecast on CBS TV Channel tonight October 25, 2010 at 9:00 PM ET. This episode is Directed by James Widdoes and Written by Lee Aronsohn & Don Foster. Guest characters are Michelle who will be played by Liz Vassey and Krista Kalmus as Shauna.Tonight’s Episode Synopsis – Charlie will be going out with an older women, although there is only a little gap between their age, it is enough to trouble Charlie. The women is smart and beautiful. There is a part where Charlie went out with her to go watch a movie, by then the women said she is 47 and Charlie just said “cool”. Meanwhile, Alan becomes a age-police as he sort out the gap between the women and Charlie’s age.
Last week’s episode of Two and a Half Men (Season 8 Episode 6) was tittled “The Immortal Mr. Billy Joel”. It was directed by James Widdoes and Wrote by Chuck Lorre, Lee Aronsohn & Don Foster.
For those of you who haven’t watched Two and a Half Men, it goes by the genre of comedy and now airing for its 8th season. Starring Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bruce Jenner to visit Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi - Olympic gold medal decathlete Bruce Jenner was one of the best athletes in the world, but immigration Jenner Kardashian family and gave him very proud.
Jenner, one of the stars of the reality show "Keeping with the Kardashians" is an interesting show Caller-Times Best of the Best show on Sunday will be the Central Bank.
Jenner is now the fifth season of "Keeping with the Kardashians," took time to talk about his life celebrity athlete, and her father.
"We're in the middle of the fifth season on the air in January will begin the sixth season," said Jenner. "It takes three months of the year to shoot, and it takes almost all the time in those three months. We have a couple of times, but everyone is so busy that in some way seems difficult, because everyone is doing it.
Jenner's no stranger to reality TV. Casting began hosting a sports program shortly after leaving his career after winning an Olympic sport in 1976.
"I really do reality for 34 years," said Jenner. Battle of the Network Stars "My first show was never" at Pepperdine University, with Howard Cosell. I was not aggressive, "said Jenner." This type of reality show, where he began. Cut the family, this work is different, but the genre. "
Jenner and his wife Kris, director of entertainment, as the concept reality show after watching the TV and consider the dynamics of families.
"We are pleased with our family and our situation," said Jenner. "We thought, 'Wow, you need a good reality show, full of character in our family we have a lot of them."
Show wrapped up its fifth season, was shown around the world for about 180 countries. Jenner said he was surprised by the show's popularity.
"For me it's the best show of work," said Jenner. "One of the things I'm not from my house. A few days do not go out of my bed to work. Apparatus came to me. Secondly, I have to work with all my kids love. And a great opportunity for my children.
Jenner said the parent, the children saw the success of a well-rounded, and outside you can earn is very convenient.
"They are smart business women are able to grow into other things," said Jenner. "It's really fun and watch them grow, and it was very good. From the perspective of parents, there is nothing better than to see her children, she wants to do to succeed."
Over the years, Jennings lent his name and talent to many charities, but he had a long collaboration with the Special Olympics.
While training for the Olympics, see how excited the children are entitled to receive. The following year he returned to her five children participated in the Olympic Games in 1974, special in San Jose, California, is Jenner, while the growth of your pocket to help someone even grow in your heart. Restoring the sweet life for him and his family.
"This is one of the prizes you can do," said Jenner. "Life is not all candidates can be. We are far too small for our families to succeed, and that, but we are also major donors at the same time. Not only financially, but give it time."
Jenner encouraged all his children to be generous.
"My children are always very polite and well-being," said Jenner. "I feel like a mother is the most important thing you can give a good example. The way of my life and my wife a way that makes her life has great influence on their children as they grow."

As a child, Jenner was a young student with dyslexia and low self-esteem. But I put trust in the sport, and this expression gave him the courage to do, "he said.

"Primary School I had a huge lack of trust, and when I started," said Jenner. "Then I found the sport. Sport has to play me anywhere, to have a guy who was a good student is good, clean football clock. I need it as a child. He gave me confidence in the sport, which are needed to overcome the difficulties in the classroom and back. Sport he gave me room to grow as a man. "

From athletes and reality television personality, reporter, "Jenner said, raising his family, his greatest successes. Notwithstanding the observed transition career, relationships with women and children is paramount.
"Gold Medal Decathlon is a great experience incredible happens in your life. But this performance, to be honest with them, in fact, I think it would be very selfish, because what they have done a very selfish time and energy," said Jenner on the timing of his intense training day. "When you ride, as you do not like a person develops. Just that practice. But, what you need to do to achieve this level should have."
Jenner said he knows that he is too much, because it was time to go.
"But it's also because I knew I had to retire after the race, even though he was at the height of his career," said Jenner. "A win is very satisfying, but also a kind of bitter."

Review: A ‘Boyfriend’ that has plenty of charm

Romantic - comedy formula "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back", which has been done so often hard to invent a new way to keep it clean.

Therefore, to cheer for Utah filmmaker Daryn Tufts, which revives a cliché romantic comedy involving a lot of spin and his wit made-in-Utah movie "A friend of my girlfriend."

S e (Christopher Gorham) is a writer who is stuck in the heat. His editor (nice portrait of Carol Kane), tells a romantic novel, is unremarkable, and he needs to write their own life experiences. The problem is not so lucky, a bit of love and source material from which to engage.

As well as those ready to give up writing, words of encouragement to the Jesse (Alyssa Milano), a coffee shop with Cook proverbial heart of gold. Jesse E. with her date and gets it. Registration lists, and other Jesse Guy Troy (Michael Landes), suave advertising executive. Troy also asks Jesse, Jesse, and said that she loves.

What happens next is a series of parallel data. Jesse and thus have a picnic on the baseball diamond (Spring Park at the mobile to be specific), then Jesse and Troy have a nice dinner at a restaurant. E Jesse gets to listen to piano music Tavernacle, then Troy Jesse impress with a trip to the roof of the Wells Fargo Center. And so on.

What is a girl to do? The answer turns out to be a bit more complicated than we think. Tufts, who wrote and directed, pulls a clever narrative twist and a sweet final reel, which will cause it to reconsider everything that has happened before. Fortunately, Tufts (familiar face from TV as a spokesman for the Utah Questar Gas "," Thermwise "program) provides a very good mood, so that the seemingly attractive.

Tufts also enjoys a solid chemistry of its leadership. Milano offers the perfect combination of courage and sex appeal, making the idea of juggling two guys without violating their hearts as completely credible. Gorham (now cast in a series of U.S. intelligence "in a latent") is a humble, generous, self-criticism as ea Landes ("Last Chance Harvey") gives the surprising success of the smooth application.

There also had to rotate the beautiful Beau Bridges as the kindly Uncle Jesse, and Tom Lenk (who splash "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") as a slacker brother Jesse, who has his own subplot involving public ridicule, that is willing to chewing gum - Commercial pitchman.

Due to the length, the filmmakers take to revive the romantic comedy these days, the gross-out humor, pratfalls undignified, it will be very easy for the quieter charms' My girlfriend's friend "stray shuffle. But the quieter charms will bring a smile to the audience and this movie is worth a look.


Bellator about:

Twenty five years old Bellator Lehman Filing first time with more hunger and explosive power than the rest of the 170 - note. Bellator Welterweight class in the first World Championship win. Quickly a good name for himself as a world - class fighter really be viewed as it may, by his opponents, week after week with an irresistible combination of pure power and devastating attacks.

With only four years of professional experience before Bellator really quick, good silence criticism of its capabilities with a seamless back round in second naked choke submission (3:22) in his first tournament mattshup cons Hector Urbino.

In his semifinal bout, veteran faces interesting Joerg Ortiz Bellator 7, bringing its total capacity to the test. Good Stay alert on the first lap and managed to avoid many attempts to get Ortiz. Well into the second round determined to get out - slug Ortiz, capitalizing on its strong strike options. Well said about his strategy before the end of the round, work one day (04:37 stop doctor), who advanced to the Round Championship Tournament.

Hopes to close the tournament as a champion, good figures inferred impactor Dominican Amore de la Cruz for the title of World Championship Welterweight Bellator Bellator 1911 unkasville, Court, June 12, 2009. A good number of fans stshulmann North tiger on hand to witness the event, he wasted no time languishing de la Cruz at the end and pounding him into a furious round first victory in 1:23. The victory extended Goodwin unbeaten in double figures and earned him $ 175,000 and his first world title. After the match, the generous Fighter immediately said that he intended to use his winnings to help his struggling family.

Arise in a difficult part of Spanish Harlem, a good credit education difficult for him to chase it is today. His childhood was surrounded by guns, drugs and gangs, "he felt the need to establish themselves as a fighter, both mentally and physically survive. He entered military school, where he fell in love with Marshall Arts.

Bellator during Season 2, Good Watched every week velterveights Wenger the chance to fight for Bellator velterveight World Championship. Ultimately, the 2008 Olympic wrestler Ben Askren (4-0), who won the season title 2 Bellator Welterweight Tournament Champion and was the top contender to the property. In a performance that many community Odessa Schacht, year Askren defeated Dan Horn buckle fashion discussion that some commentators describe as the best pure wrestler Askren transition to mma left. The MMA world is waiting for what was an exciting competition that Lehman estate defends his title against him, and - next Bellator Askren year in season 3.

Cain Velasquez vs Brock Lesnar Fight Results at UFC 121

UFC 121 Play by Play Results: Brock Lesnar vs Cain Velasquez Fight Video – A lot of UFC 121 fans were shocked as they witnessed a great mixed martial arts game Saturday night at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California between heavyweight fighters Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez.

Cain Velasquez successfully overthrown the undefeated Brock Lesnar to be become the UFC 121 heavyweight champion at 4:12 of the first round via a TKO. That was a pretty fast knock out! So what happened in the octagon? Here’s a play-by-play results of the main event

Velasquez was able to weather an early attack from Brock Lesnar, kept his composure and picked his spots with power, precision and resolve. The two heavyweight fighters traded knees and Velasquez landed a few punches before Lesnar drove him down. However, Velasquez was able to answer Lesnar’s attack as he scored with his own takedown 2:48 into the first period. He then rode on the side, landed a group of solid punches to the head before Lesnar gets back up. Because of those punches, Lesnar started to become off-balance and a bit dizzy.

That was a chance for Velasquez and he grabbed it by doing further attacks as he landed a knee of Lesnar’s body. Cain then pounced, hammering away at Lesnar from half-guard with punches and elbows. Lesnar was able to get back to his feet but this time, he was covered by blood already. Velasquez did not stop from there as threw a few more hammerfists. During that time, referee Herb Dean stepped in to end the match declaring Cain Velasquez as the winner. With that knockout, Cain Velasquez was given a $70,000 cash bonus for having done the Knockout of the Night.

After his defeat, Lesnar said: “I expected nothing less. I knew there was a great challenge in front of me. He’s a great fighter. What can I say? He was better than me tonight.”

We will be providing you with the fight video for Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez. In the mean time, below are the other UFC 121 Results of various fight cards:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

UFC 121 Preview: Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez Last Minute Thoughts

Oct 23, 2010 - As I write this we're slightly under one hour away from the start of the UFC 121 event with Brock Lesnar against Cain Velasquez in the main event. As with any huge event I've got endless thoughts running through my head. Let's take a peek into my brain:

- I'm still feeling pretty confident that Tito Ortiz is going to pick up his first win in what feels like forever when he faces Matt Hamill. I just don't think Hamill does well when he's not playing the role of bully and I'm almost certain that it will be Ortiz coming forward and forcing Matt to back up.

- As confident as I feel in Ortiz is how unsure I feel of Jake Shields being successful when he makes his UFC debut against Martin Kampmann. All week I've heard from good sources that Shields' back injury was much more recent than his camp let on. Shields has endless talent in the wrestling and submission grappling areas and if his back is healthy he can probably still control his way to a decision win, but Kampmann is no joke and could find a way to keep the fight standing where he can do much better work. It's a lot closer fight than it seemed when it was first announced.

- Brendan Schaub vs. Gabriel Gonzaga almost perfectly describes a crossroads fight. If Schaub can win he'll prove that he's ready to make that step up to the next level. It's a step that Shane Carwin and Junior Dos Santos both had to take. Gonzaga is a beast when he's motivated and I think he knows this is a fight he can't lose. Either way the result goes I don't imagine it gets out of round 1.

- I am as nervous as I can ever remember for Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez. These two men both have such unique skills for the heavyweight division and either one has legitimate avenues to victory. If Lesnar drops Cain with a punch I think it will be a pawing jab that "blinds" Velasquez to the straight right that will be coming hard behind it. It's a combination he has used in most of his fights and while it's simple, it works. I'm also very intrigued by the possibility of Cain throwing leg kicks, they're a great tool that he has but can he risk throwing them and having Brock catch a leg and take him down?

Make sure you keep your browser locked in to SB Nation for all the thoughts and breakdowns tonight and over the next few days.

2010 IHSA football schedules

There were noticeable changes to the area football landscape when the IHSA posted the 2010 master football schedule online Thursday.

The North Central Illinois Conference is no longer broken down into two divisions, now identified solely as the NCIC with five remaining members — Princeton, Hall, Mendota, Chillicothe and Rock Falls.

Gone are the seven NCIC Reagan schools, which have departed to form the new Northern Illinois Big 12 with the former Western Sun Conference, reuniting the teams with former NCIC rival Rochelle.

Gone are the Kewanee Boilermakers, who abandoned the NCIC ship to seek smoother waters in the Big Rivers Conference, alongside Bureau Valley and St. Bede.

The Rock Falls Rockets will follow Kewanee out the door in 2011, blasting off to the Big Northern.

Next year, the NCIC will disband all together as a football conference with Princeton, Hall and Mendota all accepting invitations to play in the West Central Conference, leaving Chillicothe IVC scrambling to find a new home.

Upon closer inspection, the BCR discovered some glitches with the online schedules. The Sept. 3 game between St. Bede and Morrison is listed as “N” rather than home or away on each team’s individual schedule. It is also scheduled to being at Morrison in the week-by-week listings.

St. Bede admissions director Tom McGunnigal told the BCR it should be a St. Bede home game.

Also, the Bruins’ Week 7 game vs. Erie/Prophetstown will be played on Oct. 9, the annual St. Bede Saturday afternoon homecoming game, rather than Friday, Oct. 8 as posted at

Here’s a rundown of the 2010 slate for our five area schools:

Princeton: The Tigers are picking up three new opponents this fall, including future West Central foe Monmouth-Roseville in the Aug. 27 season opener. Monmouth replaces Rockridge, another future West Central opponent, on the PHS schedule.

PHS remains home against Peoria Manual for Week 2. The Tigers will then head on the road for a three-game road stand at Peoria Notre Dame Sept. 10, followed by trips to Rock Falls (Sept. 17) to face the Rockets for the last time in NCIC play and newcomer Lena-Winslow (Sept. 24), which replaces longtime rival Kewanee on the Tiger schedule.

PHS returns to NCIC play Week 6 when neighbor Spring Valley Hall comes to town Sept. 1. The IVC Grey Ghosts invade Bryant Field the next week under the Friday Night Lights.

In Week 8, the Tigers will travel to Mendota before wrapping up the regular season with a trip to newcomer Stanford Olympia of the Corn Belt Conference on Oct. 22.

Hall: The Red Devils will find five “newbies” on their 2010 schedule, four right out of the gate.

The Aug. 27 opener finds the Red Devils traveling to newcomer Winnebago. Next up are home dates with Momence on Sept. 3, Lake Forest Academy on Sept. 10 and a Saturday matinee vs. downstate Mount Carmel on Sept. 18.

The Red Devils will kick off the NCIC slate at Mendota on Sept. 24 followed by dates at Princeton (Oct. 1), at home vs. Rock Falls (Oct. 8) and back on the road at Chillicothe (Oct. 15).

Hall welcomes newcomer Eureka to Nesti Stadium for the Oct. 22 season finale. The Hornets replace Champaign St. Thomas More on the Hall slate.

Bureau Valley: The Storm open the 2010 campaign at home Aug. 27 vs. Ottawa Marquette. The next week, the Storm travel to Port Byron to face Riverdale on Oct. 3.

The Storm will face a new opponent for the first time since the Big Rivers went to a single division when it travels to Kewanee Oct. 10. The Boilers replace River Valley, which left the conference to play as an independent.

Two home dates find the Storm hosting Amboy/LaMoille and St. Bede in Weeks 4-5. Back on the road, the Storm travels to Erie/Prophetstown Oct. 1.

The final three weeks find the Storm at home vs. Fulton (Oct. 8) followed by road games at Morrison (Oct. 15) and Sterling Newman (Oct. 23) at 1 p.m.

St. Bede: The Bruins will welcome Kewanee into the Big Rivers Conference Aug. 27 in Kewanee. After the Sept. 3 game vs. Morrison, the Bruins remain home for dates vs. Amboy/LaMoille (Sept. 10) and Sterling Newman (Sept. 17). Remaining dates are Sept. 24 at Bureau Valley, Oct. 1 at Ottawa Marquette, Oct. 9 at home vs. Erie/Prophetstown, Oct. 15 vs. Riverdale and Oct. 22 at Fulton.

Amboy/LaMoille: The Clippers open the season Aug. 27 at the Harbor vs. Riverdale and take on Kewanee the next week at home. Remaining dates are Sept. 10 at St. Bede, Sept. 17 at Bureau Valley, Sept. 24 home vs. Erie/Prophetstown, Oct. 1 at Fulton, Oct. 8 at Morrison, Oct. 15 at home vs. Newman and Oct. 22 at Ottawa Marquette.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rangers manager Ron Washington: 'We haven't done anything' yet

Q. You were saying yesterday a team could not necessarily raise its game this time of the year but could raise its focus, does that constitute for you peaking at the right time, because that's what everybody talks about now, and your team is apparently doing it.

RON WASHINGTON: That's exactly what it means. You know, especially in the playoffs, that's what you want to do, peak, and try to play your best game. Because every game is more meaningful than the next, because if you it don't get it done, you go home. So that's exactly what I meant.

Q. A lot of people talk about Cliff Lee waiting till Game 7, but can you talk about your level of confidence in Colby, given how well he threw in Game 2 against these guys in this ballpark?

RON WASHINGTON: Well, we have confidence in every one of our starters we send out there. We certainly have a high level of confidence in Colby. You know, the key, I think, to trying to beat the Yankees is keeping them in the ballpark. If you don't keep them in the ballpark, you got no chance. If you keep them in the ballpark I'm not saying you can't win ball games by keeping them in the ballpark but you allow yourself a chance to beat them by keeping them in the ballpark.

That's the key to Colby, is continue to just maintain his command, get his spots keep, the ball down and we have all the confidence in the world that he can do that.

Q. When a guy like Cano is so locked in right now, what challenges does that present to you?

RON WASHINGTON: Just continue to try to make your pitches. You know, you have to be a lot smarter when there's runners on the bag when he is up there. And maybe when there's open bags, he can put them on. He's hitting everything, he's hitting breaking balls, balls down and away, hitting balls up. He's just a tremendous hitter.

You just try to continue to do the things that you think we all have weaknesses, and he has a weakness. We just have to make sure we stay there. But if you don't, good hitters get you, and he's a good hitter and when we left pitches out over the plate, he don't miss.

I'm not surprised, because he's one of the better hitters in baseball. So you know, we just definitely have to make sure we are very careful with runners in scoring position and their big runs out there, maybe we have to decide to let someone else beat us. But in that lineup, you're always picking poison. There's no letup.

Q. A Rod, relatively speaking, you've held him in check, have you held him well or has he missed some pitches?

RON WASHINGTON: Well, he's got a lot of walks. He's been on base a lot. He may not have been doing any damage, but he's definitely gotten a lot of walks. He's very careful up there at the plate at what he wants to hit, and he's making sure that if we don't do it, he's willing to pass it to the next guy. So you know, you can't stop Alex. All you can do is try to contain him, and that's exactly what we have done so far, contain him to the part where we have kept him from producing runs. But you know, in a minute, he can bust out. You just don't stop a good hitter like that. We are very fortunate to this point and hope we can continue that.

You know, as you say, Alex hasn't been getting off, but there are a few guys in our lineup that haven't gotten off, either. Once again, we have just got to concern ourselves with playing our game, concern ourselves with trying to execute what we feel we have to execute, and if we do that, things will take care of themselves.

Q. I guess Nelson is going to test today and see if he's going to be able to play, but given the numbers of injuries you have had to deal with this year, wide variety of injuries, how would you assess the importance of the depth you have had on this team getting to where you are now?

RON WASHINGTON: Well, the depth we have had has been the main reasons we are here besides our pitching.

And every time someone went down, someone stepped up. You know, Nelly had a little tightness yesterday, and the way the weather was yesterday, cool, I didn't take any chances.

Once he said he felt some tightness, I just got him out of the lineup, replaced him with David Murphy and David went up there and did a good job. That's what's been the backbone of our team. Everyone has been doing their job. But Nelly is fine to go tomorrow, get a workout today. It was precaution.

And that's all it is.

Q. Josh missed a lot of September, and was a little slow after getting back in the lineup. How close is he to being the Josh that so dominated the league when he was healthy this year?

RON WASHINGTON: Well, you know, the only thing he has to dominate now is the Yankees pitching staff. I think he got rhythm back, he's looking much better at the plate, and he's certainly a big presence, and he's a dangerous presence, and that's a presence we certainly need in that lineup.

And I think he's back to that part of it. But you know, what he's done for the league, that part of it is over. Now he's just got to try to dominate this Yankee pitching staff. You know, they have been pitching him very careful, and he's been fortunate enough when they have made some mistakes that he's hit them.

We have just got to see how it goes when tomorrow comes, and just take it as that.

Q. We have talked quite often this year about how loose this team is and how they can comeback and move on and come out tomorrow. You've also talked about blazing a trail for post season; do you sense the same attitude, the same approach, or do you sense anything different with this team?

RON WASHINGTON: No, I sense the same attitude, simply because we haven't done anything. That's the mindset we have to keep.

We haven't done anything. You know, if we are fortunate enough to get past this series right here and get to the World Series, we still haven't done anything, because our goal is to be in the World Series and win it. So our focus has to stay in the moment, and, you know, myself and my coaching staff, we are doing everything we can to make sure that we keep these guys in the moment.

Now, once they go between the lines, we can't control the emotions and anxiety and all that that they feel. We just hope that they can stay in the moment so that they can be aware of when the game asks them to do something, they are able to do it. That's all we can do. Once the game starts, we are at the mercy of the players oh, except for the moves I may have to make. Then they are at the mercy of me, and they have done it.

Q. This is your fourth year; why did it start this year, besides better players, did you do something in the off season to change the culture or attitude?

RON WASHINGTON: No, this is something that's been happening and building since I got here. When I got here, as I said, I'm an old school baseball guy. I believe in pitching, defense, and I believe in the execution of the fundamentals. I'm no different than any other manager; they want their players to do the same thing.

I'm just a guy that loves to stress the little things in the game of baseball, because those are the things that take care of business and the big things happen.

Those are the things we have been trying to develop the four years I've got here and I'm very fortunate to have a group of guys that believe in me, believe in my coaching staff, and through that, they begin to believe in themselves.

As I always say, things that you ask of people, especially in the game of baseball, this game is so beautiful, it will show it. And then they begin to know that maybe you're right about what you're seeing, and you know, that's what's happened here. We preached a certain style. We preached a certain style, and the things that we ask them to do, you go out there and you play the game, and then you can figure it out and say, wow, we lost a ballgame because we didn't do this little thing.

And those are some of the things sometimes that get lost and those are the types of things that we like to keep in the forefront so that they can understand that we are not interested in you looking at results. We are more interested in execution and the results happen. So that's something we develop as far as the culture goes here.

Q. But why did it take four years?

RON WASHINGTON: Because I'm no miracle worker. Everyone takes time to develop and understand what's right and what's wrong. If it was that easy, I think everybody would be able to go out there and create something. But it don't happen like that. It's a process. It's a mindset. Especially when in Texas, when you know, pounding the baseball was the forefront here. We tried to change styles as far as our pitchers learning how to pitch, our defense learning how to become a better defensive team; us understanding how to run the base paths, understanding when the situation says just move someone, understanding when you can get runs without even getting a base hit, just make an out.

It takes time to do that. You just can't turn that around just because you say it. It's a process.

Q. Do you convey all your philosophies to the players or is there anyone who understands your philosophies and attitude and conveys to other players?

RON WASHINGTON: You know, that's what a team and an organization is about. You set standards that you would like to be reached. You set expectations, and you hold people accountable for it. And accountability not only starts with me, and then it flows through my coaching staff and into the players; it starts at the top.

So we all had to expect to do something, and then we had to go out there and do the grunt work to make sure that those expectations are met. In the end, though, it all falls on the players. It all falls on the leadership in that clubhouse, making sure that when things don't get done, that everyone is aware of it. Because if it's just me and my coaching staff constantly making them aware of it, sometimes that can get lost.

I was a baseball player, too. I played in the big leagues. It meant more when it came from the guys that were on the field, you know, doing the things that it takes to win ballgames, more than it takes for the coaching staff or the front office. I have guys in that clubhouse that are veterans and they make sure that they police their own clubhouse.

You know, my coaching staff is the closest to the players, and whatever I feel like I need to convey, I convey to my coaches. They get it done through the players and if there is anything I need to convey to the players, I would definitely personally talk to them. Again as a manager, I try to stay out of the way of that and let them play baseball, and make sure the things that I feel need to be corrected is known through my coaching staff. I will go to the players directly if I have to, but as I said I try, I try to stay out of the way of that.

Q. What about the old baseball superstitions, is there anything before the games or during the games that you have always done?

RON WASHINGTON: I just stay under control and do what I do every day. I come in, sit down and put out the lineup. I check with my coaches to find out what the mood is because they are more closer to the players. I try to find out if there's anything that I feel like I need to say to them, and if not, you know, I walk the clubhouse, I watch them hit. I go in and watch them play cards. And mostly, I just stay to myself until it's time to go on the field for BP and then I go out there and I get involved. I'm a working manager. I throw my BP, I hit my fungos. I talk to my players. Most of the time, it's just loose situation about maybe something that they have done that day. It's not mainly about baseball because sometimes you can get too flooded with talking about the game.

They understand where we are and what we have to do. And I just try to lead by example, and I have a lot of wisdom, and I impart that wisdom when I have to, but I don't make it an every day thing if I don't have to. I do what I have to do when I have to do it. Other than that, I let my players be who they are, because they know the stage that we are on and they know what we are trying to do.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is public radio the cure for local news

As mainstream local media decline and upstarts (like Crosscut) contend with a cluttered landscape, one obvious solution to more quality local news coverage is the National Public Radio station. Such stations have large, growing, loyal listenerships, with national penetration of about 10 percent of the radio audience (higher in NPR-natural towns such as Seattle), and many stations have newsrooms with a dozen or so local reporters. Why not more?

It won't be easy, public broadcast being highly resistant to change and not in any immediate financial need to do so. But there are plenty of nudges coming from funders and NPR headquarters. There are several initiatives to beef up local reporting in select cities, including an Argo Project that enables several cities to build topic specialities that feed into the national network. (The one in Seattle-Tacoma, anchored by KPLU, specializes in global health issues.)

Looking at the trends, James Rainey of the Los Angeles Times, warns that however logical it would be for NPR stations to fill more of the local void, it is still unlikely. He notes "the insular and genteel public radio world," and also the track record in the past where most of these stations do little enterprise local reporting. Some stations, like KUOW, soak up a lot of their talent in hosting call-in and interview shows. Many spend most of their efforts producing stories with an uplifting, people-like-us-listeners story-line. Nor have these stations embraced the Web, and normally their websites are more devoted to getting new members and touting the day's lineup of radio shows.

Another inhibiting factor is the license holder. In this market, the University of Washington holds the KUOW license and Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma owns KPLU. These institutions have legislators and alumni and their reputations to worry about, and don't know much about broadcast.

Rainey contrasts this with a Pasadena station, KPCC, which partially split from a community college and put itself in the hands of an independent, media-savvy new board, tripling its audience over 10 years. Wayne Roth,the general manager of KUOW, explains that KPCC is still licensed to Pasadena Community College; Southern California Public Radio operates the station under an agreement with the license holder, "not unlike the KUOW/Puget Sound Public Radio agreement with the U.W."

In Puget Sound there is another drawback: fragmentation. Most markets have a dominant public station with both TV and radio, while here the PBS station, KCTS, is separate. Meanwhile, KUOW and KPLU compete for audiences and donors in the radio market. There have been talks about pulling together, led by KCTS, which is now doing some collaboration with KPLU, but they haven't gotten very far. Public broadcast greatly values its independence (from advertisers or other external pressure), which makes them difficult to get to the marriage altar.

Brett Favre Pictures Text

The images of Brett Favre scandal demand (Sterger photos below) is flimsy. When Jenn Sterger news said in August. Brian Costello of the New York Post Favre finally asked the question on Thursday. “Brett Internet there is no report which is accused of sending some inappropriate text messages to an employee of the Jets while he was there.” Favre clearly stumbles, stutters, also stops himself mid-sentence. “You know … I mean …. Since research in the NFL Brett Favre warms TMZ has learned Jenn Sterger – the girl who is supposedly on the receiving end of some heavy penetration

The brplus New York Daily News reports that text messages sent Favre Sterger contained these photos that were posted on the website. Many point appears Deanna Favre, Brett’s wife when done.

Since research in the NFL Brett Favre warms TMZ has learned Jenn Sterger – the girl who is supposedly on the receiving end of some heavy texting p*ni* – is it out of the party scene .. I hear you heard last time: The Cowboys win over Brett Favre be their most valuable player. Oh, I know. Favre is listed as a game-time decision.

Latest News Update Brett Favre Brett Favre scandal scandal Photos: Brett Favre scandal photo, Brett Favre, Brett Favre scandal photos Brett Favre text Jenn Sterger Brett Favre, Brett Favre scandal photos

By Chris Thelin On Monday night this week, Brett Favre eclipsed several milestones. He threw his touchdown pass No. 500, eclipsing the mark of 70,000 yards

October 7, 2010 The Brett Favre more pictures Jenn Sterger cell phone / text messaging scandal is likely to be one of those things that bloggers and Internet

Brett Favre Alleged Image text message scandal Jenn

October 12, 2010 Brett Favre N*d*? Alleged p*ni* photos surface. all he did was ask him to come Send a text. What the hell?

October 11, 2010 your text messages. Progress on the issue of n*d* pictures. Anyone could easily have sent these photos, saying it was Brett farve.

Toyota Recall 2010: Over 600,000 U.S. and Japanese Vehicles Affected

This year has seen Japanese automobile manufacturer Toyota involved in quite a few recalls, with the very first of them occurring way back in January. Since then the company has seen both Prius and Lexus models recalled, and now we have news of yet another Toyota recall.

According to Kana Inagaki over at, two separate filings that have been submitted with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism shows that the Toyota Motor Corp. will be recalling over 600,000 cars in Japan, with a total of 13 models affected.

This includes Crown, Mark X and both Lexus IS and GS models. One of the filings said that the company would recall 599,029 vehicles, because of defects in brake master cylinders and fuel pump wires. The other filing stated another 1,869 of its Noah and Voxy models would be recalled.

The reason behind that recall is said to be a speedometer defect. However, the company did say that there have been no reported accidents resulting from the said defects. Models such as Highlander, Avalon and Lexus IS/GS sold in the U.S. were also involved in a voluntary recall

Huckabee calls on Congress to cut NPR funding

ЦНН) - У после печења НПР о контрибутора Хуан Вилијамс због коментара о муслиманима, Мајк Хакаби позива на Конгресу два смањи финансирања радио-мреже да ИТ-конв Следећи ар.

"НПР хар Сама дискредитован као форум за слободу говора и заштита Првог амандмана права свих ОГ хар учврстио Сама сом политиск снабдевач исправна храна и заштитник АТТ погледа лево мршав" Хакаби Саде сам на потцењивање обезбедио два ЦНН-а.

Вилијамс царинске Фок Невс домаћина Бил О'Рајли Мандаг сом Хан добија "Забринути" и "нервозан" на летовима Нар Хан видети људи који носе "муслимански руху." НПР прекинут Вилијамс уговор Онсдаг афтен.

Хакаби Сагер Хан "више неће примати захтеве Интервју НПР докле год они ће да вежбају облик брода цензуре, оцх лимузина НПР лед стøттет Мед средстава јавних, то је облик цензуре брод."

Дет ер сат Порески обвезници то два почети да смањује две федералне потрошње, и охрабрују нови Конгрес два почетна Мед НПР "рекао је он.

НПР каже савезни финансирање ЦОМПРИС миндре Енн 2 одсто буџета септембар, Мед Сина флесте подршку финансиерингсинститутион из станице накнада, спонзорства донација и.

Као и Вилијамс, Тидлигере гувернер Арканзаса ар оцкса Сарадник то канал Фок.

Хакаби зове Вилијамс "освежавајуће искрен и искрен" додајући: "Не постоји више поштен и фер-оријентисане особе у новинарству."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'Glee' GQ Photos Spark Controversy

Racy GQ photos of "Glee" cast members Dianna Agron, Corey Monteith (not so much) and Lea Michele has created a little bit too much heat.

Media watchdog group Parents Television Council released a statement Wednesday blasting the magazine's sexy spread. "It is disturbing that GQ, which is explicitly written for adult men, is sexualizing the actresses who play high school-aged characters on 'Glee' in this way. It borders on pedophilia. Sadly, this is just the latest example of the overt sexualization of young girls in entertainment," PTC President Tim Winter said.

The PTC pointed out that the girls are scantily clad, while Monteith spends a lot of the shoot fully covered up in jock-chic looks. "With a demonstrated market of eager fans for an entertaining, musical-themed program like 'Glee,' we wonder why the show's creators feel the need for such graphic sexualization of women," Winter continued. "Interestingly, the photos of the male character showed him wearing a shirt, tie and vest."

Hocus Pocus cast

Directed by

Kenny Ortega

Writing credits


David Kirschner (story) and

Mick Garris (story)

Mick Garris (screenplay) and

Neil Cuthbert (screenplay)

Cast (in credits order) verified as complete

Bette Midler ... Winifred 'Winnie' Sanderson

Sarah Jessica Parker ... Sarah Sanderson

Kathy Najimy ... Mary Sanderson

Omri Katz ... Max Dennison

Thora Birch ... Dani

Vinessa Shaw ... Allison

Amanda Shepherd ... Emily Binx

Larry Bagby ... Ernie / 'Ice' (as Larry Bagby III)

Tobias Jelinek ... Jay

Stephanie Faracy ... Jenny Dennison

Charles Rocket ... Dave Dennison

Doug Jones ... Billy Butcherson

Karyn Malchus ... Headless Billy Butcherson

Sean Murray ... Thackery Binx

Steve Voboril ... Elijah

Norbert Weisser ... Thackery's Father

Kathleen Freeman ... Miss Olin, Teacher

D.A. Pauley ... Fireman #1

Ezra Sutton ... Fireman #2

Don Yesso ... Bus Driver

Michael McGrady ... Cop

Leigh Hamilton ... Cop's Girlfriend

Devon Reeves ... Little Girl 'Neat Broom'

Joseph Malone ... Singer

Jordan Redmond ... Little Angel

Frank Del Boccio ... Lobster Man

Jeff Neubauer ... Boy in Class

Teda Bracci ... Calamity Jane

Peggy Holmes ... Dancer

Jason Marsden ... Thackery Binx (voice)

rest of cast listed alphabetically:

Chris Henry Coffey ... Car Hop (uncredited)

Garry Marshall ... The Master (uncredited)

Penny Marshall ... The Master's Wife (uncredited)

Daniel Olsen ... Charlie's friend (uncredited)

Taylor Stanley ... Student (uncredited)

Stumped on Halloween Costume Ideas?

Halloween is less than two weeks away and I still have no idea what I’m going to dress up as. I’ve been joking with my daughter that I should be an eyeball, because eyeballs are one of her most recent obsessions, but that costume seems a bit difficult to make. Since a lot of parents out there are no doubt looking for a pre-made costume or something that’s easy to make, I thought I’d share with you Spirit Halloween’s predictions for the top-selling costumes of 2010.

Ranked at number one? The cast of The Jersey Shore. (Yes, they have The Situation, Snooki and Pauly D costumes.) They also boast 7 variations on Lady Gaga, and they think the classic flapper-and-gangster duo will be in demand this year. How’s about it, Mom and Dad?

For kids, Toy Story 3 costumes as well as some classic TV characters (Gumby and the cast of Fraggle Rock and Sesame Street) will be popular. Remember, this year Moms can get in on the (somewhat sexy) Sesame Street action, too!

Of course, 2010 celebrates the 20th anniversary of Star Wars, so you’ll see plenty of Princess Leia’s and Darth Vader’s out there trick-or-treating. And if you have twin boys, why not dress them as Mario and Luigi from Super Mario Brothers? The now classic video game is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

Other new Halloween costume ideas for 2010 include for girls, Avatar’s Neytiri (pictured) and an adorable Littlest Pet Shop Monkey costume that is so cute it would make a Harajuku girl blush. For boys, new styles include an awesome Iron Man “War Machine” costume and a sweet Wow! Wow! Wubzy look. If you don’t feel like buying a pre-made costume out of financial and/or environmental concerns, you can always let these store-brand costumes inspire you to create these looks at home.

And if you’ve got a baby or toddler, check out Babble’s Best Halloween Costumes for Kids, boasting over 40 ideas.

Now, about that eyeball….

Wife of Clarence Thomas asks Anita Hill to consider an apology

(CNN) - The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said Tuesday that she reached out to Anita Hill, whose accusations of sexual harassment almost derailed Thomas' high court nomination 19 years ago.

In a statement to CNN, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas said: "I did place a call to Ms. Hill at her office extending an olive branch to her after all these years, in hopes that we could ultimately get passed what happened so long ago. That offer still stands, I would be very happy to meet and talk with her if she would be willing to do the same. Certainly no offense was ever intended."

Hill, a law professor at Brandeis University, turned the message over to campus security, a university spokesman said.

Graco Stroller Recall

Graco Children's Products Inc. and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission are recalling about 2 million Graco strollers because of a risk of risk of entrapment and strangulation, including four deaths, when using these Graco strollers.

This Graco stroller recall includes the Graco Quattro Tour and Graco MetroLite strollers and travel systems which were sold at stores nationwide between November 2000 and December 2007.

There have been at least four reports of infant strangulations and five reports of entrapment involving these Graco strollers. If you have a Graco stroller on the Graco stroller recall list (see the Graco model numbers below), stop using it and contact Graco to get a free repair kit.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What Is Aqua Buddha? Rand Paul’s Campaign Is Getting A Little Crazy! (Watch The Ad)

Olemme tehneet virheitä aikana kaikki Meïdanis kulleġġ Vuotto - I should like to pyytää anteeksi otsonikerroksen Minun luokkatoverit käyttävät Hairspray - Mutt Paul Rand dares Wacko uskonnollinen lahko, joka palvoi namely the god Buddha akkwa Hanen yliopistossa vuosina? Kyllä, mukaan Hanen kilpailijansa rotu Senaatti Kentucky, Jack Conway democratic, joka food esiin aikavälin keskustelussa Yona, and we will extirpate uuden debyyttinsä mainoksen viittaavan akkwa Buddha, Joss jkollhom syytti Paavali kuulumisesta salaseuraan joka palvoivat Tama järjetön god.Here n tauste: GQ story aiemmin Tana vuonna syytetty Rand Paul, Ron Paul poika usein lapsen and father to three presidents toiveikas itse, and sieppausten nainen vaativa, Etta jkollhom god palvovat namely "akkwa Buddha." Paul dwar story b'saħħithom fuq Totta, vaikka vaatii GQ, Etta jekk, seikka Kaikena tarkistanut.

Jotkut would say, without fuq l-syytös Buddha HERE todistus, Etta vaalivuosi olemme saaneet järjetön sen DARE, fuq fwied jolloin ilmeinen kummallakin puolella. Jotkut jinsabu would say irony - Republicans ehdokas Demokraattinen syyttää hylätä kristillisten arvojen palvontaan idols.

And say jotkut Vain, Etta hu eivät INTI odottaa siihen marraskuu ASTI 3, dwar ohi kun kaikki Tama absurdity. Laskekaa minutes jälkimmäisen focus.

Jos olet kiinnostunut, taxxi fuq mainos kiistanalainen:



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Tunnisteet: akkwa mainoksen Buddha, the Buddha without the mainsail Paul, Celebrity ISAT, yksinomainen Aqua Buddha, Paul mainsail, mainsail Paul akkwa Buddha

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