Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thousands in D.C. for Jon Stewart rally

Washington October 30 (as) - Up to 60,000 people will attend the rally "Comedy Central" in Washington on Saturday where a woman he Expects "cheap entertainment."

This event is called, "Rally to Restore saniti and / or fear, and Organizers said it was dealing with religious - teamed held two months after network commentator Glenn goats Fox called" restoring Honor the Washington Post. It will be hosted by John Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

"I am very Excited to be part of something," said josye Thompson, 30, who traveled from durham, nk, and asked for pictures with her baby, Oliver, in her arms. "It would be great."

A large stage and a half - dozen monitors 9 - foot - by -15 foot video and they were installed in the rear of the action can hear speakers and musical Performers, the report says.

In addition to Albert and Stewart, the event will feature several musical axis, including Jeff tveedi, mavis staples and Sherrill Crow.

Rally Organizers want to give a sense of reality of what some call the Radicalization of politics by the extreme right, the newspaper said.

"It's hard to go," said Suzie Albert, a 46 - year - old flight attendant (not related to "Albert Report" star) about the weight between sending up the absurditi of American politics and become a part of it. She said she Hoped the rally would "not be too political."

But mostly, Albert said the event Saturday will be "cheap entertainment."

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