Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bruce Jenner to visit Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi - Olympic gold medal decathlete Bruce Jenner was one of the best athletes in the world, but immigration Jenner Kardashian family and gave him very proud.
Jenner, one of the stars of the reality show "Keeping with the Kardashians" is an interesting show Caller-Times Best of the Best show on Sunday will be the Central Bank.
Jenner is now the fifth season of "Keeping with the Kardashians," took time to talk about his life celebrity athlete, and her father.
"We're in the middle of the fifth season on the air in January will begin the sixth season," said Jenner. "It takes three months of the year to shoot, and it takes almost all the time in those three months. We have a couple of times, but everyone is so busy that in some way seems difficult, because everyone is doing it.
Jenner's no stranger to reality TV. Casting began hosting a sports program shortly after leaving his career after winning an Olympic sport in 1976.
"I really do reality for 34 years," said Jenner. Battle of the Network Stars "My first show was never" at Pepperdine University, with Howard Cosell. I was not aggressive, "said Jenner." This type of reality show, where he began. Cut the family, this work is different, but the genre. "
Jenner and his wife Kris, director of entertainment, as the concept reality show after watching the TV and consider the dynamics of families.
"We are pleased with our family and our situation," said Jenner. "We thought, 'Wow, you need a good reality show, full of character in our family we have a lot of them."
Show wrapped up its fifth season, was shown around the world for about 180 countries. Jenner said he was surprised by the show's popularity.
"For me it's the best show of work," said Jenner. "One of the things I'm not from my house. A few days do not go out of my bed to work. Apparatus came to me. Secondly, I have to work with all my kids love. And a great opportunity for my children.
Jenner said the parent, the children saw the success of a well-rounded, and outside you can earn is very convenient.
"They are smart business women are able to grow into other things," said Jenner. "It's really fun and watch them grow, and it was very good. From the perspective of parents, there is nothing better than to see her children, she wants to do to succeed."
Over the years, Jennings lent his name and talent to many charities, but he had a long collaboration with the Special Olympics.
While training for the Olympics, see how excited the children are entitled to receive. The following year he returned to her five children participated in the Olympic Games in 1974, special in San Jose, California, is Jenner, while the growth of your pocket to help someone even grow in your heart. Restoring the sweet life for him and his family.
"This is one of the prizes you can do," said Jenner. "Life is not all candidates can be. We are far too small for our families to succeed, and that, but we are also major donors at the same time. Not only financially, but give it time."
Jenner encouraged all his children to be generous.
"My children are always very polite and well-being," said Jenner. "I feel like a mother is the most important thing you can give a good example. The way of my life and my wife a way that makes her life has great influence on their children as they grow."

As a child, Jenner was a young student with dyslexia and low self-esteem. But I put trust in the sport, and this expression gave him the courage to do, "he said.

"Primary School I had a huge lack of trust, and when I started," said Jenner. "Then I found the sport. Sport has to play me anywhere, to have a guy who was a good student is good, clean football clock. I need it as a child. He gave me confidence in the sport, which are needed to overcome the difficulties in the classroom and back. Sport he gave me room to grow as a man. "

From athletes and reality television personality, reporter, "Jenner said, raising his family, his greatest successes. Notwithstanding the observed transition career, relationships with women and children is paramount.
"Gold Medal Decathlon is a great experience incredible happens in your life. But this performance, to be honest with them, in fact, I think it would be very selfish, because what they have done a very selfish time and energy," said Jenner on the timing of his intense training day. "When you ride, as you do not like a person develops. Just that practice. But, what you need to do to achieve this level should have."
Jenner said he knows that he is too much, because it was time to go.
"But it's also because I knew I had to retire after the race, even though he was at the height of his career," said Jenner. "A win is very satisfying, but also a kind of bitter."

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