Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Fox 5

Saturday, more than 3 million Cablevision customers were blacked out channels after News Corp. blocked channels from a dispute over programming fees from Cablevision; blackout hit New York customers of Fox 5 and My9, according to a statement from Cablevision.

“Cablevision calls News Corp. to immediately put Fox 5 and My9 back to Cablevision, and to binding arbitration in a neutral third party to reach a fair agreement,” he said.

Cablevision said that Fox (owned by News Corp) demanded too much money, and the two companies failed to reach an agreement.

“In tough economy, it is unfair and wrong to News Corporation to require a huge increase in fees from clients Cablevision channel Fox 5 and My9 – and then threaten to pull the plug if they do not get what they want”, Cablevision said in a statement.

Fox said that they needed money to provide quality programming.

“Our position in these negotiations is quite reasonable – we just ask that fair compensation for the cost of Fox5 and My9 offers programming,” Fox said in a statement

Cablevision claims that they pay more than $ 70 million per year for the Fox programming, and they want to increase it to $ 150 million.

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