Friday, November 12, 2010

Conn. AG: Better Business Bureau favors members

Hartford, Conn.

Connecticut Attorney pushes the Better Business Bureau stood what he called a pay-to-play system that allows members to review the reinforced non-members.
Richard Blumenthal, who will replace Christopher Dodd in the Senate, sent a letter Friday Arlington, VA. on the basis of the Council of Better Business CheckView class mail, which last year had already been replaced by a satisfactory / unsatisfactory evaluation.
He said the investigation showed that part œ "available to include additional members of the Non-profit.
Blumenthal wants the organization to stop linking assessment of a member or when you talk to consumers are affected by the quality of a company subscribing œ. Contributions range from a few hundred dollars more than $ 5,000.
Alison Southwick, a spokesman œ national, which has 122 local offices throughout the U.S. and Canada, said:
"We agree with the characterization that is not enough œ accredited company disclosed financial support they provide in œ. But we are always interested in hearing from our partners in the defense of consumers, and are happy to accept constructive feedback from their customers and the office of the other defendants."
Aaron Reese, advertising, and audit specialists Bureau of Investigation for the company, and the Great Kansas City, said the company found the letter a sign of poor is not responding to consumer complaints.
"The reason that only those accredited companies will get a higher rating (in relation to companies that pay their members OE) is that they have good response rates in our complaint letter states," said Reese. "Ignoring our letter is the most evil company can do."
said about 2,000 Kansas City businesses have paid to be listed as an accredited business. "We call them members. We call them accredited company," he said.
National Reese said 39.7 percent, or B-rated companies œ which is not authorized.
Diane Stafford Star contributed to this report
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