Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Elections director confident in county's touch-screen machines

Graham - exactly the problems with some touch screen voting machines across the country, does not mean that there are no problems here, as director of the Municipal Council Alamance Election Commission.

In the process of voting is just an excuse, it was more than 17,000 votes issued in one of three locations in Alamance County. Alamance County was one of 35 regions across the state, that electronic voting machines used in the iVotronic voting without an excuse, which ended Saturday.

NC Republican Party officials said they feared that some of the iVotronic voting machines in Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Randolph, Craven, Cumberland, Wilson, Pender, Lenoir and Forsyth County is not exactly roll call votes in the process based on rapid and e-mail sent to the office of the party.

United States Republican State Executive Committee of the General Directorate for Legal Affairs, John III sent a letter to the board of elections in the state of Oct.28.

"The problem is much more common than originally realized, NC GOP", said Branch.

According to voters in the body of a few people who have accidentally pressed the button by pressing between Democratic and Republican candidates have counted their votes for the Democratic candidate, because these machines have default settings for Democratic candidates.

NC GOP and asked if the iVotronic voting machines are calibrated before use.

"If the machine is properly calibrated always match the democratic vote of all kinds, just Republican voters their votes miscounted the extent that some or many voters for errors before submitting the vote electronically," the letter said Branch.

Based on these allegations, GOP NF asked the State Election Board requires the election judges and employees of the city to give notice in writing and orally to all voters using iVotronic voting machines had some problems with machines that voters should be careful their votes are accurately recorded.

Alamance County Board Select Board, Kathy Holland, said he has no problems with voting machines accuracy early in Alamance County.

"We're not the only reason," said Holland. "I realized that there were some areas in the East (which was in poor accuracy.)

Twenty-three countries around the state can use iVotronic voting machines Tuesday's general election. State Office for the selection of CEO Gary Bartlett said in a letter by the Director General on 28 October.

"Please, let me assure you that members of his party and all voters in North Carolina, election officials are still doing everything we can to ensure that every voter in this country you can vote with confidence Bartlett, said in his letter. "Problems that are different from those that can not be solved in all elections. "

Bartlett said that voters in countries Craven and New Hanover during the early voting, which uses the iVotronic machines that their votes were recorded incorrectly. Bartlett said the voting machines and warned voters the opportunity to reconsider their vote and make changes before the final vote was cast.

Bartlett said that all municipalities to support the State Election Commission is aware of similar situations occurring in their local elections. Netherlands, said that all voting machines used in Alamance County scored before the election.

"The test of each polling place," says Holland. "All logic and accuracy of the calibration is done. You have to copy it to deal with such things."

Each machine also has a verification system iVotronic records for every vote to maintain accuracy. Netherlands, said that recent problems with accuracy and in other areas are isolated incidents.

Bartlett said the allegations of energy are some machines set the standard for recording votes for Democratic candidates.

Machines are not beyond the scope of verification is that the Republican vote should be recorded as votes for other candidates, Democratic or liberal, "said Bartlett." The software can highlight those candidates, voters with disabilities. If the machine has lost its calibration, or if the voter inadvertently contacts the wrong side of the screen, then the electoral vote reflects the intention. For security reasons, each voter is required to screen iVotronic voting to consider the total votes in the polls and to correct or change it if necessary. "

There will be plenty of warning notices to all voters in municipal elections in Alamance County voters Tuesday informed the sensitivity iVotronic system. Holland says these signs will be placed on the voter registration tables and voting machines, the main area.

Alamance County Republican Party chairman, Robert Simpson and Alamance County Democratic Party chairman John Freeman, said Monday he had received information on the iVotronic voting machines used in Alamance County.

"I think we're in good shape," said Freeman.

Simpson said he believed the Alamance County Board of Elections did a good job on the first ballot. Simpson said he was aware of problems with the iVotronic machine accuracy and Guilford counties of Forsyth.

Simpson encouraged all voters who use touch screen voting machines, to reconsider their vote before casting the final vote.

"If there is a problem for elections

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