Tuesday, November 2, 2010

GOP repossesses Democrats' House

Frustrated and concerned voters blame the voters of Obama on Tuesday in the fall, the Democratic House and Senate seats across the country, as a Republican closer to the House scrambled to gain and risk of the agenda, Mr. Obama.
Early last year, the Republicans captured the House key locations in Virginia, Indiana, Tennessee and Florida and TV stations scheduled pickup of 50 seats nationwide - more than enough to take control of the camera. Also up Senate seats in North Dakota, Indiana and Arkansas and all places in the East and Midwest.
But the dream was the Democrats held the Senate, were created at the end of West Virginia Senator Robert C. Byrd - the main goals of the Republicans for the purpose of picking up 10 seats and won the top chamber.
Obama warned voters that the elections were "serious consequences" would be, as he has in the last minute to support this claim, but voters seem distribution of the government of intentionally produced preferably in recent decades.
Republicans saw the election as office expenses and other legal services of Obama's victory toothed.
"I was hired by the people of Indiana, stop reckless spending, fight for the security of our country, the government takeover of health care and fight for every job in Indiana are fighting," said Senator Dan Coats selected and crossed with an easy victory in Indiana , offers the first night of the Republican pickup.
The elections will probably keep many Republicans bore stars like Marco Rubio, Florida, Kentucky, Paul Rand and Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire, who won all the races, the seats of retiring Republicans held.
Results for year democrat film, and Mr. Obama, who started last year, won the breakaway Republicans for the first three Virginia authorities to the Governor and austere traditional democratic elections, New Jersey to win.
In an attempt to losses that Obama last-minute plea for black voters turn out Tuesday afternoon in Chicago, say WVON radio that he understands his ability to continue its program is online.
"We can only maintain the success of the allies as I" adding, "Obama said.

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