Monday, November 1, 2010

'The Walking Dead' Press Kit

Most of the press kits I get don't impress me. Usually screeners arrive in a CD case or typical DVD case, but every now and then you get something really special (usually from Syfy or FX), but this time around it was from AMC.

The Walking Dead press kit embodies everything I love about creative packaging. From unique artwork to a DVD case designed especially with the show photography to a hardcover book with images, bios, and more to my favorite part... a limited edition Colt Python model of Officer Rick Grimes' gun (Commissioned exclusively for AMC). Only 1,000 of the models were made, and I'm proud to say I have #630.

Being from Atlanta, where The Walking Dead was shot, I've been excited about the project from day one. From June 2nd through August 18th, if you happened to stumble into filming downtown, you might be slightly concerned that indeed you were in post-apocalyptic Atlanta. Everything about this series from the locations, the sets, the makeup, the costumes, the effects... no reviews will do it justice until you see it for yourself.

But we're focusing on the press kit here, and not how much I LOVED the first two episodes. Another thing I have particularly enjoyed with this title is the keyart which depicts the Atlanta skyline and a desolate highway. While I'm still having issues trying to figure out exactly where that shot is supposed to be coming from (Hwy 20? Hwy 75/85?) It was one of the most humbling shots in the press kit and in the trailer most of you have probably seen. For those of Atlantans... it's pretty damn cool

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