Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Governor, senator, propositions, more to be decided

11-02) 19:35 PDT San Francisco - 08:00 ignored the governor and senator to vote in their own countries, among other things, to legalize marijuana for the proposed system from the list of standing efforts to tackle climate change California, the struggle to determine, and easily pass the national budget voters.

Some species even ignored by voters this year - the Vice President and Attorney General - San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, Mayor and Attorney Kamala Harris work, in particular the attendance of voters in a campaign is unusual in the back.

The money - on top of the ballot for governor, the more attention to competition. Pass the eBay CEO Meg Whitman, former Republican Party more than $ 160,000,000 - $ 140,000,000 itself - a governor for two terms earlier, Jerry Brown's campaign for attorney general.

When he was first elected in 1974 in the history of Brown, 36, and is one of the new governor of California. He knew what kind of shy, sent by his opponents for every $ 1 spent $ 6, and continued the theme of this campaign.

Brown, may his years of experience in crisis in California, the best candidate, provided you maintain control over a wide area and imposing a new tax without the consent of the voters questioned the position of the half. Whitman, in the confusion of the year, ten thousand, to have "is run like a business in California," said went abroad.

In Barbara Boxer, also from the outside, I ran into the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina has faced high-tech exec. Fiorina, whose "bitterly for the" California "lack of leadership" followed by "career politicians" for the poor boxer directly talking to the camera, appearing in numerous advertising campaigns. In turn, Fiorina was a boxer to take HP to lay off 30,000 workers, who work in shipping abroad and shed light on the opposition constantly Fiorina on television advertising.

As usual, voters legalize marijuana for sale and use of column 19 is a long list of shares offered, and experience.

In general, the benefit of the general - - 19 great support by the tax authorities no-confidence pot, and the budget will help to mobilize people to convince young people in the state of California put their hope.

Federal law still illegal - the bill to help local authorities set their own rules and a variety of taxes to the city, state, city, state, and would be rules for the chaos of confusion with the terms of the Monolith 19 said. They are also investigating the use of marijuana and driving under the influence of broadening resulted in more people and keep them.

The unemployment rate for several years, economists and analysts said was probably about 12 months to prevent up 5.5 per cent less attention pillar act to stop climate 23. California killed the progress on the issues of Texas by the oil companies and disguised hostility in an attempt to draw it, while proponents of this measure was only partially responsible for the downturn.

25 column is simple to state lawmakers, by simple majority of two thirds requirement for approving the budget, cutting goals. This year's budget indicates that the last time: One hundred days after the beginning of the year, Congress approved. Every day on a budget at the end, a member of Form 25 punished. Currently, retain your daily budget at the time of late, but can raise money when the budget is approved.

Vice President and contests with attorney general, the results of the best offices in the city, through the creation of vacancies in San Francisco has a significant impact on the political scene can be.

Newsom, the city market and a high level, and Abel Maldonado, Santa Barbara County, second place of the former state lawmakers, most of the competition on the job in the armed forces of the son of Mexican farm workers face two weeks. Competition creates Republican Attorney General Steve Cooley, Los Angeles, examine the top of the old Harris and freedom of prosecutors in San Francisco.

It was one of the most important candidate in competitive career major San Francisco Bay that money the state Senator perates former City councilors Jean Kaplan, a professor of Communication and Rebecca Kwan, the state of San Francisco, Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums Doman 1000000000000 success, to reach 10. Auckland is the first priority in the choice - the use of other voice of a first half of a proper assessment to begin to choose, and can not be known the winner for a few days.

San Francisco voters, the level of the city, or lie on the sidewalk between Francis and prohibited public officials in the city's pension and health benefits will have to pay more for the B-pillar, and a controversial proposal, including the number of L- column, identify and 23:00 07:00 30 days in jail for repeat offenders will face fines of $ 500.

More information: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/11/02/BAQG1G5VU9.DTL&tsp=1 ixzz14BjeLcBh #

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